
Racial Capitalism in the Legal Profession

Racial capitalism – the process of deriving social and economic value from the racial identity of another person – is a longstanding, common, and deeply problematic practice. Legal employers are …

Litigation Nuts & Bolts

Many lawyers select “Improve Trial Advocacy Skills” as a mentoring area of interest. However, most lawyers lack ideas for how to actually improve their skills. Join our panel of experts to learn more about trial advocacy skill development resources in Colorado. We will also discuss pathways to litigation practice, the benefits of pro bono practice …

Emerging Legal Careers: Redefining JD Advantage

Starting with the law school Class of 2011, a new term of art entered our lexicon — “JD Advantage.” It is a phrase that NALP and the ABA use to describe a category of jobs for which bar passage is not required but for which a JD degree provides a distinct advantage. In the decade …

Stress, Hardiness, Grit & Resiliency In The Legal Profession

The practice of law is becoming more stressful during these uncertain & changing times. Learn how to make “stress work for you” from a neurobiological and neurophysiological perspective and how to build resiliency in order to avoid the physical, emotional, and cognitive effects of stress.  Content will also include the effective use of transitions to …

Expanding Legal Opportunities in Greater Colorado

Denver County alone has about 42% of the state’s active attorneys. But what if a community has few or no private attorneys? Wide swaths of Colorado, mostly counties clustered around the southern and eastern parts of the state, could be considered “legal deserts,” creating a challenge for access to justice. Join our panel of experts …

Parenting & the Practice of Law

Juggling both a demanding career and family responsibilities is becoming increasingly difficult for legal professionals. The intense pressure of the billable-hour model, the expectation of being on call at all …

The Lawyer as a Whole Person

A lawyer or law student is more than just their practice area, how many trials they’ve won, or their class rank. A lawyer is a person first, embodying a multitude …

Impacts of Globalization on the Legal Profession

Globalization demands a new kind of legal practitioner, is changing the dynamics of the legal business, and re-writing client expectations. Taking stock of globalization in the legal profession overall one …

Pathways to the Bench

Becoming a magistrate, judge, or justice in Colorado is not a one-size-fits-all path. A judge is usually appointed and faces an election for retention, but being selected for appointment can …

Leading Through Generations

With members of Gen Z now entering the practice of law, it’s likely that a workplace can have up to four generations under one roof. From Baby Boomers to Millennials, …

The Future of the Legal Profession

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many of us approach our legal practices and how we want to balance our work life with our personal life. A growing interest …

Culture & Accountability in the Legal Profession

Creating and nurturing culture that supports lawyers (both as attorneys and as human beings) and treats everyone fairly is critical to the success of the legal profession. Assumptions about the …