Mentoring Resource Center

CAMP has established a mentoring resource library of materials for the development of educational programs, including but not limited to promoting professionalism, teaching lawyer practical skills, increasing knowledge of legal procedures and best practices and to otherwise improve lawyer legal abilities and professional judgment. This resource center is available to lawyers, mentoring program administrators, legal educators, and law students.

Additional Resources For Colorado Lawyers

The Colorado Bar Association owns and maintains an extensive collection of resources pertaining to the law, its practice, and its role in our society. These books, pamphlets, videos and other resources are available for use by lawyers and non-lawyers on a lending basis by all Colorado Bar Association members. Click here for more information and to view resources available through the CBA.

If you are looking for assistance in beginning your job search, the Colorado Bar Association runs maintains a list of job opportunities for law firms and other organizations hiring in the legal community.

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Colorado Bar Association CLE offers a number of seminars, books, and home studies to help attorneys looking into opening their own firm. To browse the offerings from CLE, click here. Check back often as the calendar is always changing.