Vision & Strategies

Our Mission

The broad objectives of CAMP are to promote professional pride and identity in the legal profession; promote the pursuit of excellence in service to clients; and promote strong relationships between the bar, courts, clients, law schools and the public, through the teaching of the core values and ideals of the legal profession and training in the best practices for meeting those ideals.

Our Vision

The CAMP Approach

We are a community that celebrates intellectual curiosity, professionalism, and individuality; appreciates the power of collaboration among individuals with different perspectives, backgrounds, and areas of expertise; and fosters training and education with meaningful positive influence on legal practice in Colorado. In an era characterized by incivility and divisiveness, we cultivate an environment of thoughtful and informed professionalism. In a world focused on immediate results, we invest in the long-term intellectual, professional, and social growth of Colorado lawyers.

The CAMP Difference

We believe that education and mentorship reinforce each other and that the best attorney mentoring programs bring innovative coaching and relevant instruction together. CAMP distinguishes itself with its unique mentoring curriculum and the close working relationships between mentors and mentees. Innovative training that recognizes the value of lawyer-centered learning at all levels – new, mid-level, and veteran – is fundamental to CAMP’s distinction.

The Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program began as a means to assist Colorado’s new lawyers in successful transition from law school to practice. Today our program serves lawyers at all stages of practice with 12 formal and informal mentoring curriculum. Each of these programs encourage mentoring pairs to incorporate principles of professionalism, ethics, law practice management, and access to justice into every mentoring relationship.

CAMP is structured intentionally to be decentralized, so that individual organizations can carry out the program on a local level in a manner that fits the needs of the attorneys they serve. Furthermore, by encouraging the development of “grassroots” efforts to conduct mentoring programs, Colorado lawyers achieve more successful integration with their organization, local bar association, or geographic region.

CAMP generates meaningful and relevant mentoring relationships which in turn create better Colorado lawyers. An emphasis is placed on the one-on-one professional relationship between the seasoned lawyer and the mentee because this is one of the soundest ways to pass on the values, ideals, and best practices of the profession.

The CAMP Opportunity

Looking to the future, CAMP moves forward committed to the values that define and sustain our record of excellence and influence in Colorado’s legal community. We will pursue CAMP’s mission to promote professionalism and competence in legal practice at an even higher level of distinction. We will raise CAMP’s stature as a leading state attorney mentoring program that unites innovative teaching and outstanding coaching. CAMP matters to our community of mentees, mentors, collaborative partners, and to the public. CAMP is a place where reflection, ambition, and constructive relationships lead to legal careers of purpose and positive consequence.