Lawyers New to Colorado


Welcome to the practice of law in Colorado! We hope you’ll find the following resources helpful as you transition or begin your practice in the Centennial State. Included in the New to Colorado Practice Guide is:

Section 1: Licensing & Registration

Section 2: Professionalism

Section 3: Networking & Community Engagement

Section 4: Pro Bono Opportunities

Section 5: Lawyer Wellness

Section 6: Lawyer Education

Section 7: Court & Judicial District Resources

Section 8: Diversity & Inclusivity

Section 1a

Licensing & Registration

Attorney Regulation Counsel helps the Colorado Supreme Court regulate the practice of law in Colorado through various programs. The office oversees attorney admissions, attorney registration, mandatory continuing legal and judicial education, attorney diversion and discipline, regulation of the unauthorized practice of law, and inventory counsel.

Rules Governing Admission to the Practice of Law in Colorado

Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation – Admissions Overview

Character & Fitness Requirements for Admission to Practice

Colorado Attorney Registration Fees

Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center
Colorado Supreme Court
Office of Attorney Admissions
1300 Broadway, Suite 520
Denver, CO 80203

Telephone: (303) 928-7770
Fax: (303) 501-1147

We are located in the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center on the corner of 13th and Broadway in downtown Denver.
Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Section 2a


“Professionalism is conduct reflecting the values embodied in the Colorado Attorney Oath of Admission, the Colorado Principles of Professionalism, and the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct. These values require attorneys always to act competently, civilly, and with integrity and to commit themselves to the public good and to furthering the interests of justice.”

–Adopted by the CBA/DBA Professionalism Coordinating Council March 11, 2015

The goal of the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel is to ensure lawyers in Colorado have all the necessary tools to handle matters in a way that is worthy of the trust and confidence that clients and the judicial system reasonably place upon them.

All Colorado attorneys must take an oath during the admission ceremony. By taking that oath, attorneys swear to practice law by upholding the spirit of professionalism.

The Colorado and Denver Bar Associations’ Professionalism Coordinating Council created the Principles of Professionalism to be used as a guide in Colorado. These Principles illustrate the ways in which attorneys should aspire to maintain professionalism throughout their career.

Read Justice Richard Gabriel’s article “Why Professionalism Matters” from the September 2015 edition of The Docket. Learn more about resources on professionalism.

A condition of admission to practice law in Colorado is a mandatory Professionalism course. The Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel also presents ethics school, trust account school, and practice monitor school throughout the year.

Section 3a

Networking/Community Engagement

The Colorado Bar Association advances members’ practices, supports the justice system, and enriches our communities. The CBA is your partner in law because we help you and your practice in six key ways.

  • First, we offer networking through our sections and committees. This provides numerous opportunities to connect with attorneys from all fields of practice.
  • Second, we help you stay current in the law with educational programming and materials from our sections and CBA-CLE, as well as with state-of-the-law articles from “The Colorado Lawyer” monthly publication.
  • Third, we offer practice management assistance. As a member, you have access to free legal research through Casemaker, to the CBA’s ethics hotline, and to practice management information on everything from software to hiring.
  • Fourth, we help improve the practice of law in Colorado by providing volunteer and leadership opportunities and by lobbying in areas affecting attorneys and law practice.
  • Fifth, we offer mentoring opportunities, connecting new and established attorneys and creating lasting relationships.
  • Sixth, we offer a jobs board for attorneys seeking employment.
  • Need another reason? Click here for comprehensive list of our benefits.

To become a CBA member,sign up online,, call 303-860-1115 or stop by the CBA offices .

The Denver Bar Association is a highly engaging local organization committed to the goal of helping lawyers practice law. We interact with law professionals on a myriad of levels, from face-to-face networking and career-building CLE to providing rewarding opportunities for leadership and community involvement. Our membership base includes all facets of the practice of law, including students and young lawyers, those in private and government practice, judges and highly revered law professionals.

To belong to the largest community of Denver attorneys, one must first be a member of the Colorado Bar Association. Join today by completing a CBA application, and check one of the DBA local bar options. If you are already a CBA member, you can join the Denver Bar Association here.

Local Bar Associations

CBA Young Lawyers Division

DBA Young Lawyers Division

The Colorado Bar Association Sections cover diverse specialties of the law. Each section is designed to offer members a closer association with other professionals engaged in a similar legal specialty. This involvement creates a special opportunity for the members to study issues, express ideas, apply talents and share experiences with others who have similar interests. Sections also offer valuable, informative and inexpensive seminars and institutes that generally offer CLE credits. If you are interested in joining a section fill out the?section application, or if you have general questions about a section, feel free to contact the section’s liaison.

List of Colorado Bar Association Sections by Practice Area

American Inns of Court (AIC) are designed to improve the skills, professionalism and ethics of the bench and bar. Each is an amalgam of judges, lawyers, and in many cases, law professors and law students. Each Inn meets approximately once a month both to “break bread” and to hold programs and discussions on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism.

William Doyle Inn of Court

Rhone Brackett Inn of Court

Thompson Marsh Inn of Court

Minoru Yasui Inn of Court

Ben Wendelken Inn of Court

Colorado Intellectual Property Inn of Court

The Law Club

Section 4a

Pro Bono Opportunities

Metro Volunteer Lawyers

Recruits and coordinates volunteer lawyers to perform free and low-cost legal services for poor and near-poor persons who live and work in Adams, Broomfield, Arapahoe, Denver, Elbert, Douglas, Jefferson, and Denver Colorado Counties.

Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans

Veterans face a wide array of legal issues created by their unique circumstances. Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans is designed to provide veterans with assistance related to challenges in obtaining medical care, disability benefits, reemployment rights, consumer, housing, criminal and family law matters, and in obtaining legal counsel.

The Colorado Bar Association, in cooperation with a number of local bar associations, offers free legal clinics for veterans across Colorado.The clinics assist in understanding the legal processes and forms.


Our Courts Colorado

Our Courts is a joint activity of the Colorado Judicial Institute and the Colorado Bar Association that provides nonpartisan information programs to adult audiences around the state to further public knowledge and understanding of the state and federal courts in Colorado. To volunteer or for more information email

Law Line9:
Timing: Every Wed. (4-5:30 p.m. or 5:15-6:30 p.m.)
Contact: 303-860-1115
Answer general legal questions and provide legal information and referrals to other community legal resources.

Legal Night at El Centro San Juan Diego
Timing: Ongoing
Contact: 303-860-1115
Provide information on a variety of legal topics and how they may relate to immigration issues. 2830 Lawrence St., Denver.

Legal Night at Mi Casa
Timing: 3rd Tues. of each month at 5:30 p.m. (2 hours)
Contact: 303-860-1115
Volunteer attorneys will provide information on a variety of legal topics, and how they may relate to immigration issues. 360 Acoma St., Denver.

Pro Se Clinics
Timing: Once a month (2 hours)
Contact: 303-860-1115
Conduct a pro se legal clinic for the community. Topics include: Collections, Small Claims, Divorce and Bankruptcy.

Section 5a

Lawyer Wellness

Colorado Lawyers Assistance Program

The Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program provides confidential assistance for any career challenge that interferes with the ability to be a productive member of the legal community; including but not limited to: Practice Management, Work/Life Integration, Stress/Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use, and Relationship Issues.

COLAP provides referrals for a wide variety of personal and professional issues, assistance with interventions, voluntary monitoring programs, supportive relationships with peer volunteers, and educational programs (including ethics CLEs).

Colorado Lawyers Helping Lawyers

Colorado Lawyers Helping Lawyers, Inc. (CLHL) is a court-approved, peer assistance program that offers support, education and referrals for those entering or already in the legal profession who are experiencing issues with alcohol, substance abuse, mental health or related problems. The emphasis is on recovery and relapse prevention. There are two (2) weekly group meetings in Denver. One group focuses on alcohol, substance abuse and related addictions. This group meets at 6:00 p.m. every Tuesday night. The other is a mental health that meets on Thursday nights at 6:00 p.m.

Additionally, a statewide, professionally facilitated, “Virtual” Peer law students and legal professionals who are unable to attend a meeting in the Denver area.

Section 6a

Lawyer Education

Colorado Continuing Legal Education Requirements

CLE Approved Sponsors and Accredited Courses

Colorado Bar Association CLE

(CBA-CLE is the nonprofit educational arm of the Colorado Bar Association and the Denver Bar Association)

National Institute For Trial Advocacy

University of Denver Sturm College of Law

University of Colorado School of Law

Section 7a

Court & Judicial District Resources

Colorado Judicial Branch

Colorado Courts By District

Colorado E-Filing System

Colorado E-Filing System Training

Colorado Self-Help/JDF Forms


CBA members have access not only to Casemaker’s broad and comprehensive libraries which cover all 50 states and federal materials, but also to Casemaker’s Premium services which include Casecheck+, CiteCheck, and Casemaker Digest. “Casecheck+” will let you know instantly if the case you’re reading is still good law,”CiteCheck” gets you the latest information on the citations in your briefs, and “Casemaker Digest” will keep you up-to-date with the latest cases in your practice area. All tools designed to make your research easier and faster.

Section 8a

Diversity Bar Associations

Center For Legal Inclusiveness

Colorado Disability Bar Association

Colorado Women’s Bar Association

Colorado LGBT Bar Association

Colorado Hispanic Bar Association

Colorado Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Sam Cary Bar Association

Colorado Indian Bar Association

South Asian Bar Association of Colorado