
The Citizen Lawyer

At the time of the American Founding, Thomas Jefferson, among others, viewed lawyers as the class of citizens most suited to lead the American institutions of government, as well as preserve and protect them. Jefferson valued the ideal of the “Citizen Lawyer” who would have a broad liberal education, experiential learning, and be capable of …

The Road To Rainmaking

It is no longer sufficient to simply be a smart attorney. You must be as comfortable marketing and selling as you are practicing law. Develop your practice by choice, not chance. If your goal is to be a rainmaker and grow a profitable practice, it is time to develop your plan. Contrary to popular belief, …

2020 Colorado Legal Diversity Hackathon

Are you a Colorado lawyer who cares about diversity, equity, and inclusivity in the legal profession? Join us for our 2020 Colorado Legal Diversity & Inclusion Hackathon! Hackathons are events where communities come together to exchange ideas about and work collaboratively to provide solutions to a common problem. Our main goal is to build on …

Leadership Literacies For Lawyers Of The Future

Lawyers of the future? will need to develop new leadership literacies in order to transition to a new way of leading if they want to be successful as the practice of law continues to evolve. This event is for up-and-coming legal professionals and practitioners looking to advance their career with purpose and vision while creating …

The Legal Revolution: Disrupting & Improving The Practice of Law

The law is changing. It always has changed. Slowly, to be sure, and incrementally, but steadily. A slow-motion revolution. Simplistically, the theory of disruption says that newcomers to an industry may find ways to profitably serve the needs of people who are not customers of incumbent businesses because they are not profitable to serve under …

Understanding Secondary Trauma: A Guide For Lawyers

Secondary traumatic stress, also known as vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue, is a condition that mimics post-traumatic stress disorder. It is caused by being indirectly exposed to someone else?s trauma. Many lawyers and judges are unaware that secondary trauma might be affecting them or their colleagues. You do not have to work directly with a …

DEI TED Talk, Pt. 2: Mentoring & Sponsorship

We are proud to support the CBA Young Lawyers Division's rebooted Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) conversations series. Please join us at Holland & Hart for the second of several TED-style Talks this year discussing DEI topics pertinent to young lawyer practitioners in Colorado. This second TED-style talk will discuss strategies for young lawyers from …

Taking The High Road: Dealing Ethically and Professionally With Legal Bullies

Unfortunately, too many attorneys mistakenly believe that they have to take zealous advocacy to the extreme by engaging in bullying, hostile, abusive and unprofessional conduct. This conduct often is directed against junior attorneys, women and minorities and may include comments that are sexist, racist or otherwise offensive. Having a good understanding of the ethical prohibitions …

Shifting Into Neutral: Dispute Resolution For Beginners

Legal and other disputes are increasingly resolved by dispute resolution processes other than litigation. Given this trend, it is important for new lawyers to be familiar with these alternative processes, such as arbitration and mediation, and the benefits and risks they present. At the same time, these alternative processes require creative and interdisciplinary problem-solving perspectives …

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Legal Profession

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the legal, economic and social order. In today’s highly uncertain situation and rapidly changing environment, legal professionals like other businesses and industries are facing new challenges in their practice. New lawyers will experience a transformation of their practice and employment prospects. For these reasons, in response to the COVID-19 …

Over The River & Through the Woods: Practicing Law in Greater Colorado

Nearly 14,000 Colorado lawyers practice in rural and mountain Colorado – also known as Greater Colorado. The practice of law outside of the Denver Metro area is unique, challenging, and significant. Yet all too often, it is a forgotten feature of discussion in professional pathway development for lawyers. Join our panel of experts as they …