
Killing Time: Addressing the Effects of the Billable Hour

Much has been written about the problems associated with the billable hour business model. Numerous pundits have slammed it, demonized it, and blamed it for the profession’s ills. None of this criticism has had much effect. The billable hour is still the primary way many clients pay their lawyers—and how lawyers make their money. But …

A Matter of Justice: The Lawyer’s Role in the Climate Change Debate

Can lawyers do better than scientists at persuading the public of the importance of climate change? We are not suggesting that lawyers should predict the impact of rising greenhouse gas emissions. That task will still fall to the scientists. But if a new approach to framing the issue is genuinely needed, how might lawyers make …

The Science of Positive Thinking

Many of the evidence based clinical interventions deployed by psychologists and counselors are grounded in cognitive theory. Learn how your thought processes affect your physiological and emotional experience and why these interventions are so powerful. Participants will leave the session with practical strategies for counteracting their own problematic thinking patterns. Presented by Robyn Hacker, PhD, …

Social Media: Ethical and Professionalism Obligations for the Tweeting Lawyer

With social media comes a host of new considerations for practicing law, including impacts on discovery, evidence, ethics and trial procedure. The impact of online social media on the legal profession is an issue that requires attention. Members of the legal community these days use social networking websites and applications such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter …

The Benefits of Becoming a Bar Junkie

With so many demands on a lawyer’s time, anything additional must be well worth it. Active involvement in Bar Associations or other, similar professional organizations, definitely passes that test. To reap the benefits, just joining the bar in your community doesn’t do the trick; you must seek out and involve yourself in other bar activities …

Well-Being as an Aspect of Lawyer Competence

In 2017, the National Task Force on Lawyer Well Being published The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change. The report issued in response to two studies that revealed alarming statistics with respect to the well-being of the legal profession. A critical theme of the report emphasizes that well-being is an indispensable part …

Charting Your Public Interest/Public Service Path

You want to help people, and you want to use the law to do it. Public interest law might be the perfect career path for you. But how do you become a public interest lawyer, exactly? Research shows that a happy life as a lawyer involves work that is interesting, engaging, personally meaningful, and focused …

A Day in the Life Series: Business & Corporate Law

  When you picture a corporate lawyer, do you think of someone working at a big firm in the middle of downtown preparing for a grueling trial, or do you think of an attorney who is general counsel at a hospital? Maybe you’re interested in business law but you aren’t sure whether you would be …

Making the Most of Legal Side Hustles

The gig economy is no longer a novelty. Having multiple income streams of income is increasingly valuable, smart, and possible—even for legal professionals. These income streams can come in the form of lawyer side hustles—a job that you work on top of your main full-time job. The right side hustle allows lawyers to capitalize on …

Building a Successful Hybrid Law Practice

Lawyers have been working “remotely” for decades — from the courts, in their cars, from suburban outposts, at clients’ offices and, yes, from home. We used to call them mobile lawyers or even e-lawyers. (Now we just call them lawyers.) The difference today is that the remote or hybrid work models being discussed affect the …

Racial Capitalism in the Legal Profession

Racial capitalism – the process of deriving social and economic value from the racial identity of another person – is a longstanding, common, and deeply problematic practice. Legal employers are not immune to the use of racial capitalism as a means to recruit lawyers, obtain clients, and cultivate goodwill within the profession and the broader …

Litigation Nuts & Bolts

Many lawyers select “Improve Trial Advocacy Skills” as a mentoring area of interest. However, most lawyers lack ideas for how to actually improve their skills. Join our panel of experts …